An audiobook I narrated was released today! It was quite an interesting read. While it’s a book by a medical researcher about medical research, it was written for the lay person. It was easily understandable by me, and I have no medical training!
The book was written for the adult who suspects (or knows) that they have ADHD, and is specifically for those who are undiagnosed. It has tips for whether you should pursue a diagnosis, how to go about doing so, and advice for how to deal with ADHD symptoms.
Here’s the writeup from the publisher.

If you're among the millions of adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you need the latest facts about the disorder and its treatment. You need practical strategies to help develop your strengths and achieve your goals, whether on the job, in family relationships, or in personal pursuits.
From renowned ADHD researcher/clinician Russell A. Barkley, this is the book for you. Dr. Barkley takes you through the process of seeking professional help, addresses frequently asked questions about medications and other treatments, and offers a wealth of advice and tips—all science-based.
Featuring the latest resources and medication facts, the revised and updated second edition includes new or expanded discussions of mindfulness, emotional self-control, time management, building a successful career, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and more.
Finally, an authoritative one-stop resource to help you take back your life from ADHD.
You can listen to a clip here.
I have friends, acquaintances, and family who have or had ADD or ADHD. This book really helped me see what they are dealing with and how best to help them.
The audiobook is available on Audible, as well as wherever you get your audiobooks!